
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Some New Haiku

Those long-time (and therefore long-suffering) readers of this blog will remember in detail the post I wrote almost exactly this day five years ago.  Um, six?  Time flies when you're immersed in the illusion of time. For those others, I'll just give you this link to it.
Well, I was at a men's retreat a couple of weekends ago and got the inspiration to call a few likely brethren aside during the evening free time to partake of The Haiku Game.  Not everyone stuck with it the whole time.  And, as you'll see, not everyone entirely got the point.  But we all had a fine time.
The haikus themselves were particularly...  poignant?    I'll give you a sampling of our efforts and let you be the judge of what adjectives they most deserve.

  The Vaguely Financial
Two dollars in hand
Thought I had a better plan
I broke my ego

Where are my glasses?
My keys, my pens, my records?
My last chance at life
 The Nautical
Hoist the main sail, Boys!
Shiver me timbers, you dogs!
Boats with holes don't float.

If I could only sea
the deep currents in your mind
which can't be fathomed
 The Edible
The buffet was full
The calories were empty
This is my heaven

Sweet fortune cookie
But a sour fortune inside
Makes for bitterness

Running to stand still
Is like swallowing a big pill
Now breathless and ill

The Ocular

I focus my eyes
But not on shining lights
Deep cave, dead headlamp
The Autumnal
The last leaf fell down
Time for rakes and leafblowers
Oops! Here comes the tree!

The Purely Foolish
Dirty doodle pen
Is Dan's delightful dandy
Makes great eye candy

Shortly before sleep,
Count blessings instead of sheep.
I feel really baaaaad.

And One to Go Out On

Where is the moon beam?
Under the Man in the Moon
(the one mooning you)

The work of genius?  Perhaps.  I'll be waiting for those adjectives!

Monday, January 29, 2018

A Few Words on Aging

The other night as the boys were going to sleep, Isaac said "In more than a few weeks, I'm going to be an adult."
  This kicked off the kind of bedtime dialogue that, while it delays the actual going to sleep, is some of the most enjoyable that happens in our family.  A little insight into the boys' way of thinking is given.
 I don't remember what followed exactly, but it was summed up by Alten, who said "Well, in twenty-seven years, you will be thirty-two".
  And, that stated, they both went to sleep.