We have learned a lot in these last two years with internship as our primary focus. We know the intensity of being prepared each day for managing work in the garden and hands-on learning, as well as theoretical lessons. Managing people, planning, real time logistics, and being with interns almost every day for 3 months are Margo's gifts and not Dan's. This valuable lesson informs our choice to wait a few more years before hosting interns again. Once the boys are older (Alten is two and a half, Isaac is 13 weeks), we can commit again to something that requires Margo's attention. Thanks a bunch to Ecology Action and Peris and Samuel for all their support in making this experience possible for us and for the interns.
Alten's first snowperson, thanks Aunt Ragan and Uncle Chris! |
This isn't how we had envisioned our life and isn't how we hope to be living, but it felt like a good choice for right now. We wonder what this will mean for our garden this year. We wonder where our journey for simple housing will take us. We wonder what the next big transition will be.
In the mean time (a phrase I laugh at every time I hear it come out of Alten's mouth), we have delightful boys in our presence. Isaac is starting to practice rolling over on his side and made one successful roll onto his tummy. He is the smiley-est baby I know and prefers eye contact and conversation (he has a lot to say) to any toy. Alten has a huge vocabulary and is enthralled by poems, playing with words, and construction equipment. His favorite way to bless our meal is by saying what we are thankful for. His list often includes but is not limited to: combines, snowplows, and bulldozers.
Making Mudball Cookies, Yum! |
Future posts: End of an Era: Collapse of the Yurt; Esther and CSHEP; Peris, Mary and G-BIACK; and Name The New Car.
PS-Yes, Alten did catch the chicken and put it into his dump truck. The next thing, missed by mamavideographer, he dumped it out.